1.   A reset button is also provided, which is pressed if the charging light fails to illuminate.

2.   Simply press the reset button twice and the machine boots up into the diagnostic routine.

3.   An interrupter has test and a reset button to check for malfunctions.

4.   And more than once the unit had trouble restoring itself from hibernation, which required resorting to the recessed reset button.

5.   Another important feature is a test and reset button, so used to make sure the unit is functioning properly.

6.   Another proposed change is to add a reset button to the device, so homeowners may turn off the alarm while investigating.

7.   Before he even took the floor at the FleetCenter for the US Olympic Gymnastics Trials Thursday night, Blaine Wilson had pushed the reset button.

8.   Doom may be the most popular thing to hit computers since the reset button, but it has two problems -- gravity and parents.

9.   I thought I could hit the reset button and start over.

10.   I found a reset button, however, and that seemed to do the trick.

n. + button >>共 308
mouse 12.85%
campaign 4.32%
pause 3.24%
reset 2.64%
release 2.40%
call 2.28%
alarm 2.04%
snooze 2.04%
brass 1.56%
control 1.56%
reset + n. >>共 8
button 73.33%
date 6.67%
note 3.33%
period 3.33%
pin 3.33%
provision 3.33%
software 3.33%
switch 3.33%
每页显示:    共 22