1.   ...a pattern closely resembling a cross.

2.   A short man with prematurely white hair and a generally cheerful demeanor, he resembled a cross between Santa Claus and one of his elves.

3.   In his appearances, he resembled a cross between a friendless shut-in and a person equipped with the sense of humor of a parking meter.

4.   In fact, K-State linebacker Travis Ochs said Davis resembles a cross between Thompson and Green, a hybrid far better than either.

5.   Most markets resemble a cross between pet shops and automobile garages, with hundreds of birds stacked in cages in cavernous, unadorned rooms.

6.   Seven years ago it resembled a cross between a comedy club on a Monday night and PBS on a Friday night.

7.   The behemoth rolls are laid out by a three-wheel tractor that resembles a cross between an all-terrain vehicle and industrial-size tiff mower.

8.   The game resembles a cross between bumper cars and air hockey.

9.   The stamens resemble a cross, the stigmas are symbolic of the nails that impaled Christ to the cross and the petals represent the apostles at the crucifixion.

10.   The wingless bugs, called Mantophasmatodea, are an inch long and resemble a cross between a walking stick and a praying mantis.

v. + cross >>共 214
carry 5.64%
burn 5.03%
send 4.42%
remove 4.12%
head 3.05%
meet 2.44%
plant 2.13%
wear 2.13%
take 1.98%
resemble 1.98%
resemble + n. >>共 1319
one 1.55%
crumb 1.36%
man 1.02%
meal 1.02%
sketch 0.68%
cross 0.63%
team 0.63%
flu 0.58%
father 0.53%
cornmeal 0.49%
每页显示:    共 13