1.   Exercise can be an important antidote for stress and aggressiveness, which many researchers have linked to a higher risk of heart attack.

2.   For example, several researchers have linked smoking to an attempt to counter depression and have shown that various antidepressants can often help a hard-core depressed smoker quit.

3.   Instead, researchers linked the poverty levels of students to the percentage of poor families living in their Zip Code.

4.   Meanwhile, Swedish researchers have linked pesticides to one of the most rapidly increasing cancers in the Western world.

5.   Moreover, Mayo noted that some researchers have linked phaeocystis to human waste, which contains nitrogen that acts as a fertilizer.

6.   Now, some researchers are linking a growing list of conditions to misfolded proteins.

7.   Researchers link the deaths to toxic chemicals in the Great Lakes.

8.   Researchers linked their low success rate in part to the fact that some families left the shelter before they were deemed eligible for housing.

9.   Researchers have conclusively linked weight gain and obesity to osteoarthritis, specifically of the knee.

10.   Researchers have long linked smell to memory.

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