1.   As with the mouse, the researchers inserted a bacterial gene that leads to the production of the enzyme.

2.   Company researchers inserted foreign genes into a soybean plant, including one from a petunia, rendering soybeans resistant to the Roundup herbicide.

3.   If researchers insert a reversed copy of the iaglu gene into a plant, the plant should then make a correspondingly reversed RNA product.

4.   In some cases, researchers may insert scopes equipped with tiny cameras into their bronchial tubes to see possible effects from the ozone, such as inflammation.

5.   In their experiments, the researchers inserted two specific genes from the core of the AIDS virus into the weakened polio virus.

6.   Researchers insert the luciferase gene into the TB bacteria and allow the bacteria to multiply.

7.   Into these cells, the researchers inserted a gene that makes human nerve growth factor, an essential chemical found in the brain.

n. + insert >>共 178
doctor 18.44%
surgeon 4.75%
user 3.63%
scientist 3.07%
researcher 1.96%
woman 1.96%
tube 1.68%
lawmaker 1.12%
surgery 1.12%
people 1.12%
researcher + v. >>共 450
say 19.69%
find 8.84%
be 4.75%
believe 2.70%
use 2.12%
have 2.00%
report 1.80%
hope 1.76%
look 1.60%
suggest 1.40%
insert 0.06%
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