1.   Using as data what respondents say about themselves offers the social researcher access to a vast storehouse of information.

2.   The meetings are part of an effort to devise rules giving researchers access to the cells.

3.   They also propose giving police and medical researchers access to private medical histories.

4.   Last year, President Carlos Menem offered researchers access to Central Bank archives to investigate whether any gold plundered by the Nazis had reached Argentina.

5.   Last year, Menem offered researchers access to Central Bank archives to investigate whether any gold plundered by the Nazis had reached Argentina.

6.   Nationalist leader Rimantas Smetona said Wednesday that Lithuania had gone too far in helping Nazi hunters, especially by giving Israeli researchers access to War War II files.

7.   The public consortium published its results daily on the World Wide Web, giving Celera and other researchers full access to the government data as it was developed.

n. + access >>共 593
market 9.15%
inspector 3.89%
medium 2.85%
computer 2.05%
company 1.93%
road 1.81%
internet 1.81%
user 1.65%
people 1.41%
customer 1.36%
researcher 0.32%
researcher + n. >>共 67
report 32.54%
say 13.88%
point 6.22%
hope 4.31%
access 3.83%
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