1.   It freed scholars to pursue their researches without having to look over their shoulders at the Holy Office.

2.   Something of a lone ranger among anthropologists, she does her research without either a lending hand or an eye toward trendy topics.

3.   Although ministers now stress that they recognize the importance of backing basic research without strings, the suspicion still lingers that decisions are shifting towards short-term payoffs.

4.   And some merely indicate dogged research without benefit of a rudder.

5.   In-vitro fertilization came here early, and there has been public debate over stem cell research without much loud objection from opponents of abortion.

6.   Massachusetts law forbids donation of embryos for research without oversight by a scientific ethics board.

7.   Some lawmakers say this kind of line-drawing will enable conservatives to support stem cell research without fear of reprisal from abortion opponents.

8.   Bailey made his research without the necessary permit from Bulgarian authorities, the statement said.

9.   He also claimed that many scientists say there is no other way to conduct the research without killing whales.

10.   Japanese officials claim that there is no way to conduct the research without killing whales.

n. + without >>共 1605
life 1.69%
game 1.51%
year 1.28%
people 1.19%
day 1.07%
prison 1.07%
country 0.95%
month 0.82%
season 0.81%
time 0.75%
research 0.04%
research + p. >>共 70
on 28.54%
into 16.84%
in 13.80%
at 9.71%
for 6.89%
by 5.37%
with 3.86%
to 2.53%
of 2.08%
from 1.83%
without 0.29%
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