1.   Recent research has linked induced voltages with lateral line disease.

2.   Although significant research links video game violence to violence in kids, the Federal Trade Commission maintains that conclusive proof has never been established.

3.   Anabolic steroids stimulate muscle growth and help athletes recover from injuries more quickly, but research has also linked steroid abuse with heart disease, stroke and liver disease.

4.   But more-thoughtful research has linked unwanted pregnancies to a variety of abusive environments.

5.   Despite approval by the Food and Drug Administration, a few scientists remain suspicious of aspartame, believing that future research may link it to some cancers.

6.   Other research has linked caffeine to respiratory ailments.

7.   Previous research has linked these abnormalities to excessive glucose, a form of sugar, in the bloodstream, which is a hallmark of diabetes.

8.   Research has linked breast-feeding with a spate of health benefits.

9.   Research has linked self-delusion to success in marriage.

10.   Research has linked such vast use to a rise of the resistant bacteria.

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research + v. >>共 425
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