1.   In addition, Gorelik said an article on the research findings has been submitted to a cancer research journal.

2.   Just what environmental change might have tweaked this immunological balance is a subject of heated debate in research journals and at global medical conferences.

3.   Reed-Elsevier, the multinational academic science publisher, has just contacted him to propose starting up an alternative-medicine research journal with Weil as editor.

4.   The boy begins his experiments by poisoning his stepmother, then nursing her patiently so he can make proper notations in his research journals.

5.   The study was based on reports in research journals and detailed interviews.

6.   They report their research in the November issue of Psychological Science, a research journal.

7.   Tutte was editor-in-chief of The Journal of Combinatorial Theory in its early years and was on the editorial boards of several other research journals.

8.   Dar and colleagues Nir Shaviv and Ari Lior have submitted their findings to the research journal Science.

n. + journal >>共 129
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education 1.75%
research + n. >>共 733
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