1.   For example, research findings suggest that children of families under stress are more vulnerable to accidents, such as ingestion of poisons.

2.   For those who go on to read postgraduate studies, there is the further problem of publishing any research findings.

3.   He will present his research findings at the conference.

4.   In doing so I will be making frequent reference to the empirical research findings of criminologists working mostly in the positivist tradition.

5.   It is simply undesirable for there to be a direct transfer of research findings into the curriculum, particularly the undergraduate curriculum.

6.   It should be remembered that research findings and conclusions are guidelines, not holy writ.

7.   Research and literature being published now are based on these new techniques and provide us with greater confidence in research findings.

8.   Research findings on other modes of political behavior are less extensive and less consistent.

9.   Some of these fears were allayed by scientific research findings, such as laboratory experiments with rats.

n. + finding >>共 181
research 17.30%
autopsy 4.18%
survey 3.80%
poll 3.61%
court 3.04%
trouble 3.04%
time 2.66%
police 2.09%
study 1.90%
commission 1.90%
research + n. >>共 733
center 5.62%
project 5.43%
group 4.91%
institute 4.06%
firm 3.99%
team 3.77%
program 2.33%
organization 2.06%
director 1.98%
facility 1.95%
finding 1.05%
每页显示:    共 90