1.   Checking the nests and weighing the eggs and chicks is a daily task for Spendelow and his five research assistants.

2.   People in advertising Most people connected with the business have titles such as Marketing manager, copywriter, or research assistant.

3.   There are interviewers, data analysis experts, and research assistants to be employed by the project.

4.   For a year I dated a woman who was a research assistant.

5.   This often happens, for example, when a research assistant pulls information off for a less computer literate academic.

6.   The professor will be provided with a research assistant.

7.   Civilians will be employed as office supervisors, research assistants, counter staff, clerks, detention officers and general administrators posts now filled by police officers.

8.   After leaving university Dr Burness held several appointments, including working as a research assistant for Scottish MP Mrs Maria Fyfe.

9.   Which sector is the research assistant in a laboratory.

10.   And among his pile of letters is one from a former research assistant who graduated from Harvard.

n. + assistant >>共 175
research 15.48%
production 6.05%
office 5.34%
deputy 4.80%
physician 4.80%
staff 3.02%
care 2.49%
student 1.78%
replay 1.60%
news 1.42%
research + n. >>共 733
center 5.62%
project 5.43%
group 4.91%
institute 4.06%
firm 3.99%
team 3.77%
program 2.33%
organization 2.06%
director 1.98%
facility 1.95%
assistant 1.01%
每页显示:    共 87