1.   Cloning for reproductive purposes falls into that category, as well.

2.   Human cloning for reproductive purposes involves taking an egg and removing the nucleus, which normally contains half the genetic material necessary to make a human.

3.   Similar cases have arisen in Massachusetts, New York and Tennessee, and courts ruled an embryo cannot be used for reproductive purposes without the consent of both parents.

4.   That amendment has the effect of eliminating the exemption from infringement liability for farmers who sell PVPAprotected seed to other farmers for reproductive purposes.

5.   The company is betting that it can perfect human cloning, creating embryos not for reproductive purposes but as a source of stem cells.

6.   The U.S. Senate is considering whether to ban therapeutic cloning along with cloning for reproductive purposes.

7.   But the scientists also call for an outright ban on cloning humans for reproductive purposes.

8.   But the scientists will also call for an outright ban on cloning humans for reproductive purposes, newspapers said.

9.   The other bans cloning only for reproductive purposes.

a. + purpose >>共 773
political 5.37%
general 4.18%
military 3.63%
corporate 3.27%
main 3.25%
practical 2.88%
peaceful 2.77%
sole 2.36%
same 2.19%
medical 2.03%
reproductive 0.16%
reproductive + n. >>共 141
health 11.89%
technology 6.09%
system 5.67%
right 5.67%
success 5.12%
organ 4.15%
problem 4.01%
cycle 4.01%
age 3.46%
service 2.21%
purpose 1.24%
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