1.   Amazon is one of many companies that uses the pro forma reporting method rather than Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP.

2.   Bush, however, is vulnerable to criticism by those who say that Texas is performing magic with its reporting methods, not with its students.

3.   But the recent changes in reporting methods by most automakers made year-to-year comparisons confusing.

4.   Direct comparisons between the two years can not be made because different reporting methods were used, making it difficult to pinpoint the reasons for the change.

5.   He attributed the rise to better reporting methods and the increase in beach visitors.

6.   Improved reporting methods may account for a small portion of the increase in known cases, Majszyk said.

7.   International comparisons are of little help, because reporting methods vary among countries, as do cultural and religious attitudes towards suicide.

8.   It argues, for example, that figures showing low levels of immigrants in state prisons are misleading, because of flaws in the reporting methods.

9.   Last year, BankAmerica reported per-share earnings based on primary shares, a reporting method that has been phased out.

10.   Masters and Johnson had their critics, who called their reporting methods slipshod and not replicable.

a. + method >>共 1343
new 7.64%
traditional 4.32%
different 3.23%
teaching 2.60%
alternative 1.65%
accounting 1.57%
same 1.55%
best 1.54%
conventional 1.43%
cooking 1.35%
reporting 0.25%
reporting + n. >>共 333
requirement 12.35%
system 5.56%
period 3.76%
season 3.19%
date 2.78%
standard 1.88%
procedure 1.80%
rule 1.72%
restriction 1.64%
earnings 1.64%
method 1.31%
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