1.   The accident report found both drivers at fault.

2.   The accident report found both drivers to be at fault.

3.   The report found fault with the police department for its handling of the case.

4.   The report found that moderate exercise reduces the risk of premature death and promotes psychological well-being by reducing depression and anxiety.

5.   The report found that managers rarely followed through on complaints from women in the company.

6.   The report found that safety equipment had been very poorly maintained.

7.   The Population Council report found that while most countries have done extensive research on women as mothers, men as fathers have been virtually invisible to researchers.

8.   Dismissing the extreme pessimism expressed by some observers of the new strategy, the World Bank report found the results of the new Brady plan encouraging.

9.   Although it noted the absence of satisfactory command structures and evidence of serious incompetence, the report did not find any evidence of police complicity in the massacre.

n. + find >>共 805
police 6.05%
study 5.40%
researcher 3.19%
investigator 2.76%
people 2.26%
survey 2.07%
company 2.07%
court 1.90%
jury 1.63%
report 1.57%
report + v. >>共 356
say 38.68%
be 18.76%
show 2.72%
suggest 2.64%
indicate 2.16%
come 1.60%
give 1.35%
find 1.05%
note 0.95%
add 0.87%
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