1.   He said that incidents like child abuse used to occur earlier too, but those cases would not have been reported due to lack of awareness.

2.   It was expected to rise because coastal villages struck by a small tsunami tidal wave that followed the earthquake had not yet reported due to communications problems.

3.   No deaths have yet been reported due to the massive bush fires.

4.   No casualties were immediately reported due to the fire, which began in the afternoon near the northern town of Kyrenia.

5.   Some delays were reported due to shortages of ballots or late arrival of poll supervisors.

6.   Trading also reflected ongoing concerns that corporate earnings reports due out month will be soft.

v. + due >>共 36
make 16.04%
cut 16.04%
leave 7.55%
recall 5.66%
report 5.66%
hold 4.72%
call 3.77%
find 2.83%
get 2.83%
have 2.83%
report + a. >>共 133
dead 12.08%
missing 10.50%
quiet 8.91%
calm 4.75%
safe 4.36%
daily 3.37%
late 3.17%
ill 2.18%
unusual 2.18%
ready 1.98%
due 1.19%
每页显示:    共 6