1.   Doug slowly tore up the report before dropping the pieces in the wastepaper basket.

2.   I have to write up my report before the meeting.

3.   I had a quick read of the report before I left.

4.   The medical reports before me deal fully with those years.

5.   Can I ask for a list of the full report before council, so it will give us a chance to have a debate there rather than here.

6.   Anglo American said it would have to study the report before making specific comments.

7.   Bond prices fell by more than one and a half points in the morning reaction to the jobs report before recovering more than a third of their losses.

8.   Bond prices fell on the purchasing report before rebounding.

9.   Both say that sensitive grand jury testimony and names should be redacted from the report before its release.

10.   Bush has said that he is waiting for the report before deciding what, if any, changes to make in American fuel-efficiency standards for automobiles.

n. + before >>共 1532
day 2.33%
time 2.18%
week 1.47%
hour 1.46%
year 1.37%
month 0.97%
game 0.89%
case 0.88%
hearing 0.83%
appearance 0.63%
report 0.22%
report + p. >>共 44
of 37.36%
on 18.33%
from 12.31%
in 7.21%
by 6.16%
to 5.12%
about 3.67%
for 2.05%
as 1.85%
with 1.01%
before 0.39%
每页显示:    共 121