1.   I sat down in my swivel chair and propped my feet up, punching the replay button on the answering machine.

2.   I pressed the replay button, and instantly the TV image leapt backward in time by a few seconds, rerunning the play.

3.   Most of all, it is time for national officials to zip their lips and push the replay button.

4.   One mark of a good recording is how often you hit the replay button.

5.   When he hits the replay button again, the tune is perfect.

n. + button >>共 308
mouse 12.85%
campaign 4.32%
pause 3.24%
reset 2.64%
release 2.40%
call 2.28%
alarm 2.04%
snooze 2.04%
brass 1.56%
control 1.56%
replay 0.60%
replay + n. >>共 63
official 18.05%
judge 8.29%
review 5.37%
system 5.37%
assistant 4.39%
booth 4.39%
value 4.39%
umpire 3.41%
board 2.93%
match 2.44%
button 2.44%
每页显示:    共 5