1.   Anonymity is all a seven-man crew of replacement officials can ask for.

2.   But the Nets lost their lead and competitiveness amid a rash of turnovers and a series of calls that turned their focus from the Jazz to the replacement officials.

3.   Center Brian Williams and coach Bill Fitch each received technical fouls, and Williams once again expressed his frustration with the soon-to-be departing replacement officials.

4.   Edwards also said he was not concerned about the officiating at the game, which will be one of the first played with replacement officials.

5.   In each case, the replacement officials cheapened the product.

6.   It was a game that lacked controversy despite the use of replacement officials for the first time in NFL history.

7.   It was for Williams, who already had his fill of the replacement officials.

8.   Players have complained about the job being done by replacement officials since the beginning of the season.

9.   Owners, of course, say replacement officials have been doing fine, but Miami Dolphins defensive tackle Daryl Gardner begs to differ.

10.   Replacement officials from the Continental Basketball Association and the collegiate ranks have filled in under tense circumstances with players and coaches.

n. + official >>共 339
government 15.68%
administration 6.51%
security 5.00%
city 4.28%
police 4.19%
company 3.43%
ministry 3.37%
health 3.21%
enforcement 2.61%
school 2.27%
replacement 0.04%
replacement + n. >>共 604
player 17.02%
worker 6.64%
part 5.14%
surgery 4.70%
game 2.69%
team 2.52%
baseball 2.15%
reactor 1.84%
tire 1.70%
umpire 1.46%
official 1.06%
每页显示:    共 31