1.   They generate data at a higher rate and are less sensitive to repetitive sequences.

2.   Since the results presented above reveal efficient iron-bleomycin cleavage within n sequences we have also investigated the digestion of other repetitive DNA sequences.

3.   Each microsatellite is a particular spot on the DNA strand that is known to contain a repetitive sequence of base pairs, or genetic information.

4.   Next comes RepeatMasker, a program that consults a data bank of the known repetitive sequences in human DNA and masks them out.

5.   The folk dances, from northwest India, featured repetitive patterned sequences filled with energetic twists and turns.

6.   The repetitive sequences have no known function and used to be called junk DNA.

7.   Those regions, at both ends of the virus after it is integrated into the genes of the host cell, contain repetitive sequences of genetic material.

a. + sequence >>共 491
opening 4.55%
genetic 2.36%
final 2.36%
same 2.02%
logical 1.85%
whole 1.77%
entire 1.43%
animated 1.35%
video 1.35%
particular 1.26%
repetitive 0.59%
repetitive + n. >>共 142
stress 18.24%
motion 14.19%
strain 11.04%
task 4.50%
behavior 2.93%
sequence 1.58%
movement 1.35%
hand 1.35%
pattern 1.35%
job 1.13%
每页显示:    共 7