1.   And Secretary-General Kofi Annan Friday said that continued violence in East Timor and repeated rejections of outside help could lead to charges of crimes against humanity.

2.   Even after repeated rejections from Nashville executives certain that no borderland performer of Spanish songs could succeed with country and western, Emilio trusted in his talents.

3.   Moore spent several years teaching school in Carlisle, Pa., and suffering repeated rejections from poetry magazines.

4.   The group has also taken New Canaan to court for repeated rejections of its proposal.

5.   Zymber Bytyqi carries a bag full of official correspondence informing him of the repeated rejection of his requests for asylum.

6.   Repeated rejections lead to transplant failure and the need for another transplant.

a. + rejection >>共 223
outright 4.90%
initial 3.56%
immune 2.45%
recent 2.23%
public 2.23%
earlier 2.00%
immediate 1.78%
second 1.78%
clear 1.56%
total 1.56%
repeated 1.34%
repeated + n. >>共 817
request 8.37%
call 7.50%
attempt 5.68%
warning 3.09%
attack 2.90%
effort 2.57%
delay 1.67%
appeal 1.42%
violation 1.32%
demand 1.18%
rejection 0.14%
每页显示:    共 6