1.   Where such grazing is not available, prophylactic treatments should be repeated until autumn or marketing.

2.   If it does, repeat until no more oil comes up.

3.   If necessary, the beams can be refocused and the procedure repeated until the entire diseased area is treated.

4.   In the bitter cold of a blinding blizzard, repeat until the inevitable debilitating injury.

5.   Keyboard drills are presented and repeated until the student passes muster, but Mavis forgives early mistakes.

6.   Put the clams in the basket, fill it with water, swish it around, drain and repeat until no sand remains.

7.   Repeat until skin cracks, and set aside to cool.

8.   Repeat until all shells and filling are used.

9.   Repeat until the water or solvent runs clear on the final rinse, then shake out excess water or solvent.

10.   Repeat until all dough and filling has been used.

v. + until >>共 720
wait 13.76%
have 6.99%
continue 4.42%
last 4.25%
expect 4.02%
delay 2.66%
know 1.73%
stay 1.66%
take 1.53%
hold 1.51%
repeat 0.09%
repeat + p. >>共 48
in 23.96%
with 19.67%
as 11.47%
on 8.69%
for 5.97%
at 5.79%
to 4.65%
throughout 3.62%
across 1.99%
after 1.93%
until 0.84%
每页显示:    共 14