1.   One month after completing this treatment, the C-urea breath test was repeated to assess eradication of the infection.

2.   One month after completion of this treatment their C-urea breath test was repeated to assess the H pylori state.

v. + assess >>共 59
use 28.67%
meet 6.99%
arrive 4.20%
do 3.50%
set_up 3.50%
repeat 2.80%
return 2.80%
visit 2.80%
pause 2.10%
call 2.10%
repeat + v. >>共 41
make 10.96%
correct 8.22%
use 6.85%
restore 6.85%
assess 5.48%
be 5.48%
add 4.11%
have 4.11%
question 2.74%
remove 2.74%
每页显示:    共 4