1.   One worker would have suffered fatal burns had he not worn a protective chemical suit which was not routine for repair work.

2.   Sometimes the blacksmith would take on commissions from other organisations such as repair work for local factories or railway companies.

3.   The council has been responsible for appointing contractors to carry out this repair work.

4.   They are used mainly for inspection of foundations, assessing the condition of lock gates and checking the progress of repair work.

5.   We all pass through this life as damaged goods, and the repair work is ongoing.

6.   Always get a quote before proceeding with repair work.

7.   Repair work on the bridge was in a holding pattern for the duration of the winter.

8.   The plan, however, envisaged the involvement of the private sector in such repair work and the charging of tolls and user fees to help recover the costs.

9.   Damage to the power sector was also limited, although emergency repair work was necessary.

n. + work >>共 1751
construction 4.94%
police 2.89%
repair 2.89%
rescue 2.52%
maintenance 2.13%
charity 2.04%
relief 1.48%
restoration 1.30%
government 1.14%
community 1.12%
repair + n. >>共 239
shop 16.81%
work 15.01%
mission 4.93%
crew 4.87%
job 4.52%
service 2.38%
effort 2.38%
cost 2.38%
kit 1.97%
company 1.86%
每页显示:    共 257