1.   At work on the renovated space.

2.   The renovated spaces include new exhibits, a curving metal-framed orientation theater and a museum store.

3.   The question now is if enough tenants will follow to fill the renovated space.

4.   This August, the school was scheduled to open in newly renovated space in a strip mall at McClintock Drive and Elliot Road.

a. + space >>共 1357
open 10.02%
russian 6.33%
public 3.96%
empty 2.69%
small 2.58%
new 2.17%
available 2.06%
green 1.56%
advertising 1.32%
interior 1.18%
renovated 0.06%
renovated + n. >>共 133
building 11.51%
stadium 3.60%
theater 3.24%
home 2.88%
train 2.88%
room 2.16%
apartment 2.16%
factory 2.16%
facility 1.80%
wing 1.80%
space 1.44%
每页显示:    共 4