1.   He was rendered almost speechless by the news.

2.   The sight of her rendered him speechless.

3.   Black almost was rendered speechless after meeting the former boxing champion.

4.   During his ACC career, Holt rendered speechless such renowned orators as Virginia safety Anthony Poindexter and cornerback Dre Bly of North Carolina.

5.   He was rendered speechless by malaise.

6.   However, just thinking about his altered image can render him speechless.

7.   Ms. Tingley was rendered momentarily speechless by descriptions of mountain-top gender summits.

8.   Mussolini once had designs on the language, but was rendered speechless by a Swiss referendum.

9.   Not that the Beatles were rendered entirely speechless during the cut-down five-hour documentary shown on ABC in November.

10.   Others were stumped by the question and rendered speechless.

v. + speechless >>共 5
leave 61.54%
render 26.92%
strike 7.69%
have 1.92%
make 1.92%
render + a. >>共 236
useless 8.60%
obsolete 4.88%
harmless 4.49%
meaningless 4.36%
unconscious 3.47%
ineffective 3.21%
moot 2.82%
irrelevant 2.57%
helpless 2.18%
unable 2.05%
speechless 1.80%
每页显示:    共 14