1.   The numbers are rendered in bar code on the bottom, which is inked and pressed against the envelope.

2.   But the court is full of Milosevic loyalists and has rendered a number of controversial verdicts.

3.   Special numbers were rendered by entertainers Sheila Ynchausti, Angelika de la Cruz, and Bong Chavez.

4.   This number is rendered by Azni and Ary, the vocalist of rock group Farenheit.

v. + number >>共 887
reduce 8.36%
increase 6.21%
have 4.95%
limit 2.75%
include 1.71%
give 1.54%
cut 1.32%
make 1.29%
double 1.25%
use 1.20%
render 0.02%
render + n. >>共 274
decision 17.28%
verdict 10.49%
judgment 4.73%
service 3.25%
fat 2.66%
opinion 2.66%
plant 1.92%
aid 1.62%
image 1.33%
assistance 1.33%
number 0.59%
每页显示:    共 4