1.   At a moderate oven temperature, it will brown more or less automatically while rendering its fat.

2.   Add the bacon and cook until the fat is rendered.

3.   Brown the bacon in a heavy skillet over medium-low heat, cooking it slowly to render the fat and crisp it up a bit.

4.   Cook the bacon in a large Dutch oven over medium-low heat until the fat is mostly rendered and the bacon is lightly crisp.

5.   Drain rendered fat from brisket.

6.   Fat was rendered into lard, both for cooking and the making of lye soap.

7.   He renders the fat, and then finishes the breasts in the oven, serving them medium rare, and braises the legs.

8.   If using suet or fat, leave in the browned bits that remain after fat is rendered.

9.   If the bacon does not render enough fat to dress the salad, add olive oil as needed.

10.   In a large heavy casserole, cook pancetta in olive oil over medium-high heat until it renders its fat.

v. + fat >>共 201
trim 7.58%
reduce 5.62%
have 4.52%
remove 3.91%
use 3.91%
cut 3.55%
skim 3.55%
discard 3.42%
contain 3.18%
add 2.44%
render 2.20%
render + n. >>共 274
decision 17.28%
verdict 10.49%
judgment 4.73%
service 3.25%
fat 2.66%
opinion 2.66%
plant 1.92%
aid 1.62%
image 1.33%
assistance 1.33%
每页显示:    共 18