1.   Once a package has been submitted for approval, no further work can be performed on the package until the nominated approver renders his decision.

2.   As is its custom, the court has not said when it will render a decision.

3.   A federal judge has been considering the lawsuit since last month and is expected to render a decision in the next two weeks.

4.   A federal appeals panel heard arguments in that case earlier this month and is expected to render a decision this fall.

5.   A legal fight over the privilege could take months to resolve, and even after the final court decision is rendered, could yield little fruit for investigators.

6.   A panel operated by the securities industry hears the cases and renders decisions.

7.   Aiello offered no timetable for when Tagliabue would render a decision.

8.   But in his decision Thursday, he wrote that he now felt able to render the decision before the transcripts had been completed.

9.   Cityline will update this category until the jury renders its decision.

10.   Closing arguments are scheduled for Thursday before Judge William Kitchen of Provincial Court, who is expected to render his decision on Friday.

v. + decision >>共 346
make 32.57%
announce 5.27%
appeal 4.43%
take 4.00%
expect 3.85%
reach 3.05%
reverse 2.63%
say 1.84%
defend 1.77%
base 1.43%
render 0.45%
render + n. >>共 274
decision 17.28%
verdict 10.49%
judgment 4.73%
service 3.25%
fat 2.66%
opinion 2.66%
plant 1.92%
aid 1.62%
image 1.33%
assistance 1.33%
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