1.   Another, especially here in Washington state, was the controversy over a proposal to help endangered salmon by removing dams on the Snake River in eastern Washington.

2.   As a price, however, he has insisted that no action be taken toward removing dams on the Snake River.

3.   Advocates of removing the dams argue that endangered chinook, sockeye and other salmon runs would benefit.

4.   Agribusiness interests, irrigators, ports, shippers and farm organizations in Eastern Washington do not want to see the dams removed.

5.   Burkholder argues that almost as much money is spent annually on efforts to restore the salmon population as it would cost to remove the dams.

6.   But there are also several other, lesser known instances in which a dam could be removed much sooner.

7.   Congress has voted to remove the dam, and is now considering how to pay for it.

8.   Conservationists want to remove the dam along Matilija Creek, saying it will help restore steelhead runs and return mountain sediment to eroding Ventura County beaches.

9.   Gorton has hinted that Gore might support removing some dams from the Columbia River system to save salmon.

10.   He opposes using taxpayer money to remove the dam.

v. + dam >>共 143
build 28.37%
breach 5.95%
remove 5.36%
operate 2.18%
construct 2.18%
prevent 2.18%
use 2.18%
burst 1.59%
open 1.19%
complete 1.19%
remove + n. >>共 1556
body 1.63%
barrier 1.30%
pan 1.14%
restriction 0.98%
obstacle 0.79%
tumor 0.79%
child 0.75%
chicken 0.72%
name 0.72%
president 0.70%
dam 0.17%
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