1.   A. First, remove the clothing and have any drycleaned that are not damaged beyond repair.

2.   Adults would order the children to remove their clothing.

3.   He said her clothing was removed and her body was draped over a bathtub.

4.   Her clothing was also removed and she was left in a bedroom.

5.   In the ambulatory casualty decontamination area the casualty is instructed to remove his clothing and enter the shower area. . . .

6.   One died because it was illegal for physicians to remove her clothing to treat her burns, lest the doctors become sexually excited even by charred nudity.

7.   Rozas and Jimenez said her clothing apparently was removed by paramedics who tried without success to revive her.

8.   Still, Mark had daily episodes of loud screeching and often hit, pinched, kicked, bit or removed his clothing.

9.   The initiates began to remove their clothing.

10.   The teacher took the girls into a bathroom and had them remove their clothing to their underwear, parents said.

v. + clothing >>共 199
wear 32.76%
sell 5.62%
buy 3.90%
remove 3.12%
make 2.81%
include 1.56%
find 1.56%
use 1.40%
offer 1.09%
show 0.94%
remove + n. >>共 1556
body 1.63%
barrier 1.30%
pan 1.14%
restriction 0.98%
obstacle 0.79%
tumor 0.79%
child 0.75%
chicken 0.72%
name 0.72%
president 0.70%
clothing 0.12%
每页显示:    共 20