1.   An even more important distinction is the fact that the remedial work is expressive rather than productive.

2.   Can public school teachers do remedial work in religious schools?

3.   During these periods I was either to observe or else to go out and do remedial work with other classes.

4.   It is ideal for planning remedial work and helps identify which grammatical areas should be worked on.

5.   On the technical side, remedial work is in many cases already on the way.

6.   Some remedial work needs to be done on the foundations.

7.   This type of program is useful for remedial work, revision and reinforcement.

8.   The pitch will be out of action for a week for remedial work.

9.   Miss Wortham stresses that children with learning difficulties can be helped with remedial work.

a. + work >>共 1214
hard 12.26%
new 3.27%
good 2.15%
best 1.26%
volunteer 1.16%
extra 1.08%
part-time 1.06%
legal 1.00%
real 0.88%
detective 0.88%
remedial 0.36%
remedial + n. >>共 94
course 13.64%
work 10.91%
class 10.36%
action 10.00%
program 8.73%
education 6.18%
measure 4.55%
help 3.64%
instruction 2.36%
training 1.82%
每页显示:    共 60