1.   At Wanlockhead, to the south, the Straitsteps mine remains include a primitive water-powered beam engine for draining the mine.

2.   Other Roman remains include the public baths and triumphal arch of Augustus.

3.   The remains include parts of an Anglo-Saxon church, a Norman church and a medieval monastery.

4.   If the microfossils are in fact long-dead microbes, the remains should include cell walls and cellular machinery.

5.   One day during a field trip, I visited the nearby Roman ruins in Sagunto, where the ancient remains included an almost entirely intact amphitheater.

6.   Other remains included shells of mollusks, bones of fish, birds, turtles, and land animals, and scraps of meals.

7.   Other remains include a Roman aqueduct, Roman baths, a stadium and a nymphaeum.

8.   The charred domestic remains include a radio, a sewing machine and giant steel vats of grain that were to feed a family for a whole year.

9.   The remains include Albert Belle and a slew of faceless Triple-A players.

10.   According to the ORT television station, the remains included both civilians and Russian officers.

n. + include >>共 1161
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remains + v. >>共 409
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