1.   Add remaining potatoes, cheese, ham and seasonings.

2.   Sprinkle a few mixed herbs over and cover with the remaining potato slices.

3.   Add remaining potatoes, leeks and remaining curry powder.

4.   Add half the remaining potatoes, then the rest of the cheese, then the rest of the potatoes.

5.   Add the remaining potatoes and remove from heat.

6.   Add the eggplant, tomatoes and the remaining potato.

7.   Meanwhile, combine the remaining broth and the remaining potatoes in a small saucepan over medium heat.

8.   Overlap the remaining sliced potatoes on top.

9.   Puree the remaining potatoes and avocados with the remaining stock, and combine with the first batch.

10.   Quarter the remaining potato and cover it with water in a small saucepan.

a. + potato >>共 361
mashed 26.20%
baked 8.03%
new 4.34%
fried 2.90%
boiled 2.11%
roasted 1.32%
sliced 1.25%
instant 1.25%
red 1.25%
creamy 1.18%
remaining 1.05%
remaining + n. >>共 1114
ingredient 2.70%
hostage 1.85%
share 1.83%
game 1.71%
seat 1.29%
member 1.14%
issue 1.01%
oil 1.00%
butter 0.85%
difference 0.80%
potato 0.13%
每页显示:    共 16