1.   And that, I would say, is what we, in our own religious rites, had best be doing too.

2.   In western as in eastern Christendom coronation was a religious rite which began with the anointment of the ruler with holy oil.

3.   Often the toga was drawn over his head to make a veil, worn at the performance of religious rites.

4.   Perhaps the technicians who control the mast are descendants of the shamans who presided over religious rites here.

5.   The presence of stone objects suggested that the site might have been used for religious rites.

6.   Under these circumstances it would not do to conduct religious rites at approximately the same time each year.

7.   What is difficult for Westerners to grasp is the importance and real meaning of these religious rites.

8.   The researches of Theodor Reik and myself have established that in the original hunting societies initiation ritual and religious rites in general fulfilled this function.

9.   Augusta National chooses its victors carefully, almost with religious rite.

10.   A religious rite, like attending Sunday Mass.

a. + rite >>共 193
religious 12.71%
annual 11.23%
eastern 5.72%
ancient 4.03%
traditional 2.97%
sacred 2.54%
hindu 1.91%
tribal 1.91%
old 1.48%
christian 1.27%
religious + n. >>共 661
leader 7.26%
group 6.10%
right 2.80%
school 2.67%
belief 2.60%
freedom 2.47%
conservative 2.12%
party 1.67%
organization 1.64%
ceremony 1.30%
rite 0.29%
每页显示:    共 60