1.   Although the two peoples share a similar type of political structure, their religious beliefs present a striking contrast.

2.   As religious beliefs have constituted science, so scientific creeds have constituted an alternative religion.

3.   At that stage we ignored other possible religious beliefs.

4.   But teachers, too have religious beliefs and commitments.

5.   Differences in religious beliefs are not necessarily a bar to a good relationship.

6.   Do religious beliefs provide exemption from liability for child abuse?

7.   For example, must teachers and students salute the flag or follow the curriculum if doing so violates their religious beliefs?

8.   He saw no distinction between religious beliefs and superstition.

9.   Her religious beliefs prevented sex before Marriage.

10.   His own moral code is based on his religious beliefs.

a. + belief >>共 554
religious 17.62%
popular 5.53%
political 4.24%
widespread 3.71%
strong 3.11%
held 2.58%
traditional 2.15%
mistaken 2.12%
personal 2.09%
growing 2.02%
religious + n. >>共 661
leader 7.26%
group 6.10%
right 2.80%
school 2.67%
belief 2.60%
freedom 2.47%
conservative 2.12%
party 1.67%
organization 1.64%
ceremony 1.30%
每页显示:    共 529