1.   As I was sitting there it occurred to me that smokers could argue that this is a freedom of religion issue.

2.   The Milwaukee program also has been challenged in court over the religion issue, and any such program approved in Arizona likely would wind up in court.

3.   The relentlessness of the religion issue bothers Games organizers, who have benefited from scores of Mormon volunteers and other church resources.

4.   Witherspoon noted another side to the religion issue.

5.   But efforts since to draw up anti-cult legislation have run into thorny constitutional problems, as well as human rights and freedom of religion issues.

6.   There is a freedom of religion issue here.

n. + issue >>共 946
security 5.68%
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bond 2.96%
trade 2.95%
campaign 2.57%
health 1.90%
safety 1.89%
abortion 1.76%
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tax 1.35%
religion 0.04%
religion + n. >>共 102
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law 5.81%
professor 5.50%
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