1.   Although the price of flying has soared, costs of using reliever airports are low because of the subsidies.

2.   Figures such as these prompted the Maricopa Association of Governments to reassess the role of reliever airports in the Valley.

3.   Every reliever airport depends heavily on federal money for maintenance and capital improvements.

4.   Federal grants represent some high dollar figures for Phoenix area reliever airports.

5.   RELIEVER PLAN QUESTIONED Boyd questions the long-standing plans to make Williams a reliever airport to Sky Harbor.

6.   The budget-cutting mood in Congress plays a large part in the move to take a hard look at the role of reliever airports.

7.   The cities that have reliever airports dismiss the criticism, saying their airfields are necessary to handle air traffic and contribute much to the local economy.

8.   Williams is one of seven reliever airports in the Phoenix area that could end up on the losing end.

n. + airport >>共 108
hub 13.81%
area 11.71%
city 11.41%
military-civilian 3.30%
day 2.70%
destination 2.70%
time 2.70%
reliever 2.40%
charter 1.50%
cargo 1.50%
reliever + n. >>共 13
airport 36.36%
paracetamol 13.64%
fine 4.55%
give 4.55%
growth 4.55%
ibuprofen 4.55%
inning 4.55%
mentality 4.55%
service 4.55%
set 4.55%
每页显示:    共 8