1.   But Seles appeared at ease, and relieved to be back in the spotlight, before, during, and after the match.

2.   I was curious in the way I used to be, relieved to be anonymous, free from accountability, a kind of literary masked bandit.

3.   On vacation, does a judge shrug his or her shoulders to every question, relieved to be the one not relied upon to know?

4.   Relieved to be safely in a taxi heading home, Bhejendra rattled on about how much better life is on the outside.

5.   Senators of both parties had said it was a vote they dreaded having to make and were relieved to be off the hook.

6.   Soldiers in camouflage fatigues are everywhere, downing beers in the outdoor cafes and strolling around town, overwhelmingly relieved to be back.

7.   They landed in New York shortly before LaGuardia closed, relieved to be here and hopeful about the Big East Tournament.

8.   When we were finally back on solid, if not flat, ground, I literally sobbed, relieved to be alive.

9.   So relieved were the Indians fans to see Martinez go that they greeted Boston reliever Derek Lowe with an ovation.

v. + be >>共 1325
say 9.58%
figure 6.26%
be 3.78%
use 3.36%
remain 2.65%
present 2.56%
think 1.76%
estimate 1.43%
allege 1.39%
do 1.19%
relieve 0.12%
relieve + v. >>共 22
start 17.91%
see 14.93%
be 13.43%
face 8.96%
hear 5.97%
find 4.48%
begin 2.99%
cause 2.99%
end 2.99%
get 2.99%
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