1.   The challenge to its authority increased its reliance upon the secular power, upon fines, torture, and execution.

2.   The early phase of child-rearing is the time popularly associated with particular reliance upon parental support.

3.   The gain with respect to coal-oil mixture is due to the much greater reliance upon coal energy.

4.   Given our truly catholic approach to computing and our reliance upon methods developed elsewhere, historians may be unique among other computer-using humanities scholars.

5.   Also, heavy reliance upon one client is not without risk when building up a practice.

6.   Secondly, reliance upon the skill or judgment of the seller, bailor or transferor.

7.   In this way the confusions and limitations of the people are demonstrated, together with their reliance upon senses which are more fully developed and exploited than our own.

8.   Since metaphor co-operates in this passage with the inner world of repose, its internal reliance upon the literal denotation of an outside world actually subverts its own function.

9.   And I tend to reduce long-term growth prospects for people who have set up conservative portfolios, and who appear to be uncomfortable with heavy reliance upon stocks.

n. + upon >>共 1116
thousand 2.12%
row 2.00%
layer 1.48%
intent 1.32%
attack 1.28%
million 1.24%
comment 1.12%
impact 1.04%
reliance 0.84%
call 0.64%
reliance + p. >>共 7
of 42.00%
upon 42.00%
by 8.00%
ex 2.00%
from 2.00%
in 2.00%
to 2.00%
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