1.   In the case of referral to a dietitian or chiropodist the database dispatches brief details to the relevant department.

2.   The data requirements for all relevant Regional Council departments have been sought and are being incorporated into the specification where feasible.

3.   Yet Pomgol was little more than a conglomerate made up of other relevant state departments.

4.   Please contact the relevant department or Faculty for further information.

5.   He is very keen to ensure each gets a proper reply so letters are sent to the relevant department.

6.   Anwar had hoped that the relevant departments would be pro-active and not wait for complaints before they acted.

7.   By letting the ministry administer the fund, with inputs from the relevant departments and personalities, the fund will have a much better chance of success.

8.   He said the relevant departments and agencies were on full alert to deal with problems connected with the drought, expected to continue until May.

9.   He said there had been full consultation with the State governments and relevant departments.

a. + department >>共 648
athletic 11.57%
state 5.58%
new 3.94%
marketing 3.51%
cabinet 2.37%
emergency 2.16%
insurance 2.10%
different 2.07%
federal 2.07%
legal 2.02%
relevant 0.64%
relevant + n. >>共 470
information 9.00%
authority 7.00%
document 4.72%
issue 2.11%
agency 2.06%
government 1.83%
experience 1.78%
factor 1.72%
question 1.72%
law 1.61%
department 1.22%
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