1.   And in the capital, relatives buried Arianit Kelmendi, an ethnic Albanian killed Monday by a grenade thrown into a cafe.

2.   Authorities will not allow relatives to bury their dead.

3.   Authorities did will not allow relatives to bury their dead.

4.   Relatives buried Cahow on Saturday in Clear Lake, Wis., near the dairy farm where he grew up.

5.   Police dispersed the mob, and the relatives buried the bodies in secret Thursday morning, police Capt. Gabriel Mdlothane said.

6.   Relatives buried Ovalle in his hometown of Tacana on Wednesday.

7.   The North Koreans buried some dead in unknown locations and surviving relatives buried others, the villagers said.

8.   Some grieving relatives had already buried their dead before sunset, according to the Moslem custom.

n. + bury >>共 304
landslide 4.22%
family 4.07%
body 3.16%
soldier 3.16%
people 3.01%
mudslide 2.41%
lie 2.11%
avalanche 1.96%
man 1.96%
mourner 1.66%
relative 1.20%
relative + v. >>共 538
say 15.77%
be 10.23%
have 2.17%
tell 2.07%
come 1.26%
die 1.23%
live 1.12%
want 1.09%
wait 1.09%
refuse 1.02%
bury 0.28%
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