1.   I will give some examples of signals that maintain relationships within a species from a familiar companion animal, the domestic cat.

2.   It is these processes which provide the principles for staff management and enhance the quality of working relationships within the organisation.

3.   Longer-term solutions would include restoring the damaged relationships within the unit so that there is a return to normal working conditions.

4.   Mathematics, literature, social studies, and science offer them different ways to think about dynamic relationships within the whole.

5.   Power relationships and relationships within informal networks are vitally important in all child care work.

6.   To negotiate the intricacies of multiple relationships within a group, they have to learn to reason on a very sophisticated level.

7.   Unless this condition was met inferences about relationships within the sample could not be statistically secured.

8.   When people with a mental handicap are offered relationships within a sacred context, they can grow both humanly and spiritually.

9.   Documentation is essential for those electronic resources that need to preserve the integral relationships within the discrete data units to provide the information resource.

10.   Examples throughout are taken from science fiction texts, since the relationship within that genre between the world evoked by the text and that of reality seems potentially interesting.

n. + within >>共 1410
place 1.36%
division 1.34%
group 0.80%
debate 0.76%
faction 0.66%
position 0.65%
election 0.64%
area 0.62%
tension 0.60%
change 0.57%
relationship 0.11%
relationship + p. >>共 44
with 53.26%
between 30.86%
to 4.29%
of 2.82%
in 1.99%
among 0.95%
for 0.82%
as 0.64%
on 0.48%
by 0.35%
within 0.21%
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