1.   A year later, their relationship had soured and they went their separate ways.

2.   But that relationship soured too, also over money.

3.   But over the years their relationship soured.

4.   But the relationship quickly soured.

5.   But the relationship soured when Parkins confronted his wife about her drug problem and she told him that Nickel had been her supplier.

6.   But the relationship soured, Kraft said, as Parcells sought to run every aspect of the Patriots.

7.   But the relationship soured.

8.   But their relationship soured three years ago and they have not spoken to each other in months.

9.   But the relationship soured last summer.

10.   But their relationship has soured in what many Brooklyn politicians characterize as a clash of egos.

n. + sour >>共 171
relation 13.80%
relationship 7.86%
economy 5.10%
dispute 4.88%
investor 2.76%
thing 2.55%
mood 2.34%
experience 2.12%
market 1.70%
marriage 1.49%
relationship + v. >>共 334
be 39.87%
go 2.66%
end 2.62%
have 2.36%
become 2.32%
continue 2.02%
exist 1.80%
begin 1.80%
remain 1.72%
seem 1.46%
sour 1.39%
每页显示:    共 37