1.   But it also offers solid data on prenatal research, stages of fetal development, relationship issues and other concerns of those who are parents or want to be.

2.   Hollywood and writers, like co-dependents in a lengthy marriage, have a history of difficult relationship issues.

3.   Most will need some kind of therapist or counselor to help rid the marriage of the underlying emotional or relationship issues that are causing their problems.

4.   Palm Beach, with its rich crop of remarriages and blended families, offers a wealth of relationship issues, she said.

5.   She also urges women to learn about the physical and psychological causes of impotence and to examine relationship issues that could be contributing to the problem.

6.   Some issues might touch on racial areas, but most will be just human relationship issues common to all people.

n. + issue >>共 946
security 5.68%
technology 4.38%
bond 2.96%
trade 2.95%
campaign 2.57%
health 1.90%
safety 1.89%
abortion 1.76%
policy 1.69%
tax 1.35%
relationship 0.04%
relationship + n. >>共 132
management 6.77%
work 6.39%
problem 4.89%
marketing 3.76%
issue 2.26%
building 2.26%
expert 1.88%
manager 1.88%
change 1.88%
business 1.50%
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