1.   It was a lame excuse, and I bluntly told him that he owed it to posterity to relate his story.

2.   Members of the family, coached by Nicholas, would relate stories from secular histories or the lives of saints.

3.   One girl related a story about a friend who had accidentally become pregnant.

4.   The agitated man shook with frustration as he tried to relate his story.

5.   They relate the story in a hushed tone, watching carefully for a reaction.

6.   Ambrose relates numerous stories in which Americans did the supposedly unthinkable.

7.   As Liz has never met Mickey, Andy relates the story of Paris and the missing corpse.

8.   As Kim related his story, he choked several times as he told of friends who had been beaten to death in prison.

9.   As Wingate relates the story, Ellison had been invited to Grinnell to be honored along with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and the writer Willie Morris.

10.   As the story was related, Serena smiled for the first time, and her father was inspired to give similar lifts to other handicapped people.

v. + story >>共 516
tell 27.03%
have 4.20%
hear 3.24%
write 3.17%
read 2.01%
share 1.82%
change 1.81%
publish 1.59%
run 1.27%
know 1.25%
relate 0.74%
relate + n. >>共 725
story 4.35%
incident 3.84%
problem 2.66%
attack 2.35%
two 2.25%
experience 1.74%
case 1.74%
killing 1.69%
death 1.64%
man 1.48%
每页显示:    共 85