1.   Having ascertained that the constable was interested in what he had to say, and the constable was, he related the incident.

2.   A building engineer was slashed near a picket line in lower Manhattan, but the police said it was unclear if the incident was related to the strike.

3.   After he and his father related the incident to Coen, the pastor asked him to leave the room.

4.   He does relate an incident about an irate trucker in Northern California who cut him off on the highway, then got out of the cab and accosted him.

5.   He also related incidents in which she was beaten at chess and promptly swept all the pieces off the board.

6.   He would not go into details and would not say whether the two incidents were related.

7.   Incidents are more or less related in chronological order, but the narrative has the looping, allusive feel of a therapy session and its self-revelatory character.

8.   It was not clear whether the incident was related to the strike.

9.   Kelly said that detectives were investigating whether the various incidents were related, and whether they were serious threats or pranks.

10.   Later, just relating the incident to reporters, Holmgren seemed to be on the verge of breaking down again.

v. + incident >>共 378
report 18.70%
investigate 15.91%
follow 5.93%
confirm 3.42%
discuss 3.10%
prevent 2.09%
describe 1.82%
see 1.68%
witness 1.58%
relate 1.54%
relate + n. >>共 725
story 4.35%
incident 3.84%
problem 2.66%
attack 2.35%
two 2.25%
experience 1.74%
case 1.74%
killing 1.69%
death 1.64%
man 1.48%
每页显示:    共 75