1.   Both conflicts have centered on the Serbian minorities in Croatia and Bosnia who rejected inclusion in the two new states and wanted to retain their ties to Belgrade.

2.   If mainline churches continue to reject the inclusion of homosexuals, leaders of gay places of worship say, their congregations will prosper.

3.   Kessler said that Congress explicitly considered and rejected the inclusion of a section in the bill requiring staggered terms.

4.   Analysts predict predominantly Christian provinces would reject inclusion in the special region.

5.   Analysts predict predominantly Christian provinces would reject inclusion.

6.   But Russia, which rejects inclusion of the Taliban, dismissed suggestions from the United States and Pakistan that some moderate Taliban could be included.

7.   Moscow rejects the inclusion of any part of its territory in the projected sphere of U.S.-Japanese operations, he said.

8.   On Friday, Palestinian Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine also rejected their inclusion on the list.

9.   Opponents of the agreement, however, say that most of the provinces have rejected inclusion in the proposed Muslim regional government.

10.   The rebels want to keep their weapons and reject the inclusion of a Nigerian-led intervention force known as ECOMOG in a future peacekeeping force, Sankoh said.

v. + inclusion >>共 95
oppose 11.64%
reject 6.47%
support 4.74%
welcome 3.02%
allow 3.02%
demand 2.59%
protest 2.59%
favor 2.59%
urge 2.59%
consider 2.59%
reject + n. >>共 677
proposal 6.58%
idea 6.02%
offer 5.97%
request 4.17%
suggestion 3.89%
demand 3.89%
call 2.98%
claim 2.94%
appeal 2.91%
plan 2.82%
inclusion 0.08%
每页显示:    共 15