1.   You were unwise to reject my counsel.

2.   He rejected that counsel, and watched as health-care reform went down the drain.

3.   It is fine for him now to talk about the importance of staying in touch with supporters and not rejecting their counsel simply because they helped finance his campaign.

4.   They have rejected counsel and refused to talk to their court-appointed lawyers.

5.   They are convinced that a secular culture ridicules them and that government rejects their counsel.

6.   Tyson had been told by almost every boxer who ever got ripped off by King to be careful, yet he rejected that counsel.

7.   Reno seen rejecting independent counsels for Clinton and Gore over campaign fund raising.

8.   Rejecting counsel, Milosevic sits alone at the defense table, a trim blue business suit facing a battery of black-robed judges and prosecutors.

v. + counsel >>共 100
seek 19.50%
provide 8.50%
appoint 7.25%
have 4.75%
offer 3.75%
give 2.75%
defence 2.50%
keep 2.25%
take 2.25%
need 2.00%
reject 2.00%
reject + n. >>共 677
proposal 6.58%
idea 6.02%
offer 5.97%
request 4.17%
suggestion 3.89%
demand 3.89%
call 2.98%
claim 2.94%
appeal 2.91%
plan 2.82%
counsel 0.04%
每页显示:    共 8