1.   This regulation prevented US banks located in the US, but not abroad, from paying interest on deposits above a given rate.

2.   Better regulations will not prevent all crashes, but experts point to several crashes that new rules could have made less likely.

3.   But government regulation prevents further tie-ups.

4.   But high prices are not helping the utilities much, since regulation still prevents them from passing on the price rises on the wholesale market to consumers.

5.   Cable companies for years were prevented by regulations from increasing rates too rapidly.

6.   Current regulations prevent foreign investment funds from being repatriated until three months after they have entered Taiwan.

7.   Currently, strict regulations prevent anyone but specially-licensed clinics from dispensing it.

8.   FCC regulations prevent companies from owning more than one TV station in a market.

9.   Federal regulations prevent members with outstanding reviews from holding elected office.

10.   Federal regulations have prevented Stephon from saying publicly exactly how well the offering is going.

n. + prevent >>共 1376
police 4.55%
law 4.20%
rule 2.33%
step 2.29%
action 2.16%
weather 1.98%
authority 1.78%
government 1.54%
injury 1.50%
problem 1.17%
regulation 0.67%
regulation + v. >>共 345
be 20.95%
require 9.23%
allow 4.19%
prohibit 3.55%
apply 2.66%
make 1.65%
take 1.53%
go 1.45%
prevent 1.45%
forbid 1.33%
每页显示:    共 36