1.   And because utilities are regulated by the states, virtually all of the savings is passed on to ratepayers.

2.   And there is historical precedent for not subjecting municipal utilities to state regulation, since the municipal utilities are already regulated locally.

3.   After criticism from advocacy groups, the New York Public Service Commission, which regulates utilities in the state, required the company to continue and expand the program.

4.   Even some officials at the Public Service Commission, the state agency that regulates utilities, concede privately that there is far less competition than they had hoped for.

5.   He suggested that she call the New York State Public Service Commission, which regulates pubic utilities, which she did.

6.   In fact, electric utilities are chiefly regulated by state authorities, which are moving much more slowly toward deregulation than the federal government.

7.   Pataki also has named Harold A. Jerry Jr. as interim chairman of the state Public Service Commission, the state agency that regulates utilities.

8.   Sher said health care may have to be regulated in much the same way utilities are regulated.

9.   Since the utilities themselves are regulated, any costs from the Internet business cannot be passed on to power customers in the form of higher rates.

10.   That means it is moving away from the rate-of-return policy that has historically regulated utilities.

v. + utility >>共 243
restore 5.21%
deregulate 4.59%
include 2.91%
regulate 2.76%
sport 2.60%
buy 2.45%
open 2.14%
run 1.99%
sell 1.84%
have 1.68%
regulate + n. >>共 776
tobacco 4.54%
industry 3.28%
nicotine 2.42%
price 2.22%
flow 2.08%
use 2.01%
activity 1.98%
product 1.67%
cigarette 1.37%
trade 1.37%
utility 0.61%
每页显示:    共 18