1.   He registered the birth of his child.

2.   COUNCILLORS asked to save money by closing seven offices used for registering births, deaths and marriages have decided to spend money promoting them.

3.   Her birth was never registered, and the state has not yet found a record of her birth.

4.   In addition, the report advises governments to have a routine, effective system for registering births and to provide educational institutions to help children readjust.

5.   Midwives have also served as an illegal shortcut to U.S. citizenship, since state law allows midwives to register births by simply swearing they were in attendance.

6.   You cannot get married, use welfare services, register a birth or get a job without a propiska.

7.   Her birth was registered at the National Registration Department the following day.

8.   The church for centuries had charge of registering births, new residents and burials, but those duties are being shed as denationalization approaches.

9.   The birth was registered in New Zealand, but the plan was foiled when an application was made to the U.S. Consulate for a passport for the infant.

10.   The law did not establish a list of authorized names, but the lawmakers agreed on the need for well-trained administrators to register births.

v. + birth >>共 144
celebrate 8.51%
await 6.99%
follow 5.86%
attend 4.91%
witness 4.54%
mark 4.35%
give 3.78%
expect 2.84%
announce 2.65%
register 2.46%
register + n. >>共 662
name 4.60%
voter 4.09%
car 2.01%
gain 2.01%
complaint 1.85%
party 1.77%
case 1.77%
increase 1.38%
people 1.22%
vote 1.18%
birth 0.51%
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